
Wherever you are in life, you matter and you have a purpose. We want to help you become the person God has created you to be. Your journey has a next step and we’ll help you find it. It could start by giving yourself to Christ, establish your relationship with God, and serve. Finding God’s vision for your life, giving, or joining us regularly. You are welcome to join our loving family, where you can grow in all aspects of life, and find love, warmth, and care.


8:30 am English Service

9:00 am Sunday School

10:00 am Prayer

10:30 am SiSwati Service



6:30 pm Fasting and Prayer Service

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6:00 pm Youth Service



2:00 pm Women’s Service (Every 2nd and 3rd Saturdays of the month)

2:00 pm Men’s Service (Every 2nd Saturday of the month)

5:00 pm Praise and Worship Practice